Blaise Tiong







I'm a builder from Malaysia 🇲🇾. This is my canvas where I showcase my craft and work, turning ideas into realities. Hit me up if you have interesting ideas and would like to collaborate.


  1. Axrail Pte Ltd, Malaysia

    Pre Sales Consultant

    February 2023 - Present

    Attend pre-sales meetings, understand client's requirements, assist sales team in technical aspects, craft scope of work, propose solutions using AWS Services, and create sales assets.

    Software Engineer

    July 2022 - February 2023

    Work on NextJS and React static applications, build user interfaces for an in-house e-commerce system, work with React, TailwindCSS, and Material UI. Also, contribute to Generative AI projects using AWS Services and build a reusable React component library.

  2. The Hacker Collective, Malaysia

    Part Time Software Engineer

    September 2021 - May 2022

    Work as a frontend web engineer on The Hacker Collective’s web products using Vue, Golang, and Tailwind CSS.

  3. Fave Asia, Malaysia

    React Frontend Development Intern

    March 2021 - September 2021

    Work as a front-end intern on Fave’s React web frontend product. Include mobile responsiveness to Fave’s webpage and implement new features to Fave’s merchant-facing product FaveBiz.

  4. Juris Technologies, Malaysia

    Software Developer Intern

    December 2021 - February 2022

    Exposed to PHP, SQL, and PL/SQL technologies. Support client’s production issues, develop new API for payment-related processes, and work on Juris’s in-house core banking system with seniors.

  5. Monash University UReview, Malaysia

    Frontend Developer

    December 2020 - July 2022

    Part of a student feedback platform development team at Monash University Malaysia. Work on Angular and Django to develop new features for the platform.

  6. SM Pei Min, Malaysia

    High School Teacher

    January 2019 - October 2019

    Taught Form 5 Chemistry and Form 4 Math. Assisted in making exam questions and organizing teaching slides.

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